Ecclesiology - The Church

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"The True Church" (brief summary) - J.C. Ryle
"The True Church" - J.C. Ryle
"The Church and the Truth" - R.B. Kuiper
"Church Discipline: Missing the Mark"- R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
"Separating Tares from Wheat" - Glen Berry
"The Church" - Richard Baxter
"Sola Ecclessia - The Lost Reformation Doctrine" - Michael J. Glodo
"Ecclesiola in Ecclesia" - Dr. D.M. Lloyd-Jones
"A Diagnosis" - Thomas Adams
"The Government of God" - Robin Arnaud
"Heresies of the Apostolic Age" - William Cunningham
"The Title: The Church" - John Calvin
"The Medicine of Laughter: Spurgeon's Humor" - Larry Michael
"Unity, Diversity and Division" - R.B. Kuiper
"The Problem of the Eldership and its Wider Implications" - Iain Murray
"What is Christian Union?" - Robert L. Dabney
"The Reformed Pastor and Ecumenism" - Cornelius VanTil
"Ministerial Pride" - Richard Baxter
"Choosing a Church" - Daniel Wray
"The Checkered State of the Gospel Church" - Samuel Willard
"The Fallibility of Ministers" - J.C. Ryle
"The Principles of the Second Reformation" - Andrew Symington
"The Church of the Highest Common Denominator" - Kim Riddlebarger
"Antithetical to the World" - R.B. Kuiper

"Creeds and Confessions" - A.A. Hodge
"Brief Confession of Faith" - John Calvin
"Creeds and Standards: Their Significance and Functions" - G.H. Hospers
"In Defense of Creedalism" - Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr
"A Plea For Creeds" - Ron Hanko
"Human Authority in Religion Condemned" - John Brown
"Is Doctrine Necessary?" - Michael Bremmer
"Absolute Necessity of Sound Doctrine" - R.K. McGregor Wright
"The Creeds and Doctrinal Advance" - Gresham Machen
"The Making of the Westminster Larger Catechism" - Chad Van Dixhoorn
"The Legitimacy and Use of Confessions of Faith" - Paul Martin


" Refcon3 " - Reformed Confessions and Historic Creeds
Calvin's Institutes " - This is a self-extracting zip file [1.5 megs]

"A Reason to Sing" - Dr. P.J. Janson
"Congregational Singing and the Ministry of the Word" - Leonard Payton
"Is it a Prelude or a Quaalude" - Leonard Payton
"Glossary of Church Growth & Contemporary Christian Music" - Leonard Payton
"Evangelicals on the Durham Trail" - Darryl Hart
"Exclusive Psalmody or New Covenant Hymnody" - Lee Irons
"An Examination of Exclusive Psalmody" - Dr. Robert Morey
"Evaluating Music for Christian Worship and Enjoyment" - Leonard J. Seidel
"Rock 'n' Roll, the Bible, and the Mind" - Tom Allen
"Beauty Revisited" - John Mason Hodges New

"The Sacraments: Baptism" - A. A. Hodge
"The Polemics of Infant Baptism" - B. B. Warfield
"The Sacramental Principle: Infant Baptism" - William Cunningham
"The Biblical Doctrine of Infant Baptism" - Pierre Ch. Marcel
"The Mode of Baptism" - John Murray
"The Token of the Covenant" - Rev. William MacIntyre
"The Means of Grace: Baptism" - Stephen Wellum
"Debate on ‘Infant Baptism’" - Dr. Robert B. Strimple vs. Dr. Fred Malone - WSC March 10, 1999
  - "Infant Baptism - Part I"
  - "Infant Baptism - Part II"
  - "Infant Baptism - Part III"
- Download all three parts (MP3) in a .zip file HERE
"The Ministry of the Word and Sacraments" - John Calvin
"The Lord's Supper" - John Calvin
"Short Treatise on the Lord's Supper" - John Calvin
"The Means of Grace: the Lord's Supper" - R. Scott Clark
"Paedocommunion: A Biblical Examination" - Brian Schwertley

"The Scriptural Regulative Principle of Worship" - G.I. Williamson
"Feeding Sheep or Amusing Goats?" - Charles H. Spurgeon
"No Compromise" - Charles H. Spurgeon
"True Spiritual Worship" - Charles H. Spurgeon
"A Consuming Fire" - Dr. R. Kent Hughes
"The Pastor: His Identity and Authority" - John H. White
"Church-o-Rama or Corporate Worship" - Monte E. Wilson
"The Order for Morning 'Fellowship'" - Paul and Cindy Erlandson
"Dance and Drama in Worship and Evangelism" - John Marshall
"Pleasing God in Our Worship" - Dr. Robert Godfrey
"Head Coverings and Decorum in Worship" - John Murray
"Is Headcovering Biblical?" - David Silverside
"No Such Custom - An Exposition of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16" - Bruce Terry
"The Everlasting Covenant" - Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
"Do You Worship God?" - George Swinnock
"Impatience and Idolatry" - Ligon Duncan
"God Seeking Worshippers" - Horatius Bonar
"And They Went Up Into An Upper Room" - J.C. Ryle
"Evangelicals on the Durham Trail" - D.G. Hart
"The Contemporary Church" - John H. Armstrong
"Pictures of Christ" - John Murray
"Worship Wars: Are We on the Right Battlefield?" - Maureen Bradley
"Worship in the Melting Pot" - Dr. Peter Masters [Series]
"Image Worship" - Herman Hoeksema
"The Christian Use of Visual Art in Worship Today" - Terry Johnson
"Images " - Martin Bucer
"Worship " - A.W. Pink
"Worship in Spirit and Truth" - John M. Frame (Book Review)
"The Reformers and the Regulative Principle" - William Cunningham
"The Puritan Approach to Worship" - J.I. Packer
"The Quality of Corporate Worship" - R.B. Kuiper
"The Regulative Principle of Worship" - Terry L. Johnson
"The Devil's Mission of Amusement" - Archibald G. Brown

"What's Wrong With Preaching Today?" - Albert Martin
   • Part I: "The Man"
   • Part II: "The Message"
"Preaching from the Old Testament" - Donald MacLeod

Calvinism and the Reformed Faith Index