For By Grace Thou Forgave All My Sin

Forgiveness of sin, 'tis such a sweet sound
The perfect One, Jesus, did'st die for me;
Absolved of wrath for grace abounds,
Christ shed His blood and set me free.

The New Birth showed, I deserved hell
My wretched sin did'st kill God's Son;
Overwhelming grace, no word can'st tell,
Jesus hath paid my debt, yes 'tis done.

Glorious day whence grace 'tis seen
The love of the Father, 'tis immense;
God pulled me out of the pit, where I'd been,
And quickened every spiritual sense.

To gaze upon Christ, whom mine sin did'st pierce
Tears flood mine eyes, as I look at Him;
God's weight of wrath, 'twas full and fierce,
Jesus made propitiation for my sin.

Fear of God's wrath gone, condemnation 'tis spent
Upon the innocent One, Christ 'twas sin for me;
Thy precious blood flowed, the veil 'twas rent,
Jesus paid my sin debt for all eternity.

Humble adoration doth fill my soul
For Jesus my Savior, the glorious One;
He cleansed my heart and me whole,
I'm justified because Jesus said'st " 'Tis Done ".

Born from above I have life anew
Thou mercifully gave a new heart within';
My God I give all my praise to You,
For by grace Thou forgave all my sin.

By, Richard D. Bates