Personally speaking, I do not trust the site you gave me above. It flies in the face of what I have come to believe about Covid vaccines.

Perhaps you would like me to show you, an example of why?

Unfortunately, the above link was taken down by Youtube. However, it has 8 very prominent doctors, including Dr. Malone who is responsible for the mRNA technology. He says these vaccines were meant for the very vulnerable such as the elderly. They also never went through the rigorous testing that all other vaccines must go through to be approved. Our governments take the word of the Pharmacy companies that produce the vaccines that they have done the necessary testing.

I am not surprised that this was taken down from Youtube; but it is a real shame.

By now you have heard of the 'Great Reset' headed up by Klaus Schwab. I believe these vaccines are linked to the 'Great Reset'. 'The Great Reset' is far from a conspiracy theory; for they have not tried to hide it. There are some very prominent people involved in it; including the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau.


Last edited by Tom; Sun May 08, 2022 10:16 PM.