Hi Josht,<br>I too respect you, but however I still believe you err in the matter of election and perseverance. I shall make the reply in 3 titles...”Election“ , “Glorification” and “Perserverance”. <br><br>I am not goint to say much about on your view of ‘Election based on forseen faith’( ehud and pilgrim have provided excellent responses to them). I do want to say few things. In fact, to teach your view of Election is to indeed "EXPLAIN AWAY" the scriputres, such a Ephe 1:3-14, Romans 8:28-9:23. See, The election is spoken as a according to God's purpose and Plan. You have to ‘read into the text’ to come up with your position. My point was that God's ELection is not based on anything man does, whether it is works or the act of faith( receiving & resting in Christ and His righeoutsness..) in Jesus. See Ehud’s points. You said there are conditions to God’s Election. WHERE IN THE SCRIPTURE?You can’t get around Eph 1:3-14, nor Romans 8:28-9:23, and many other texts. Election precedes Belief. See Acts 13:48. Belief Does not precede Election, as we have been pointing out to you.<br><br>I shall respond to your other points on Glorification & perseverance” in a few. <br>

"Let all that mind...the peace and comfort of their own souls, wholly apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ, and him crucified"(Flavel)