Charles Haddon Spurgeon, who is hopefully familiar to all who profess to be a Christian, that renown preacher of the 19th century preached a sermon on August 28, 1864 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington that is one of my favorites. Of course, one would be hard pressed to limit how many of his sermons are one's favorites. giggle The text from which he preached was 1Coriinthians 1:1 26-29. Let his words be a reminder of who the sovereign God of the Bible is, His gracious and merciful will is in regard to fallen mankind, and how it is a loathsome and helpless sinner is brought to union with Christ, having all one's sins forgiven and made an adopted son of God.

You can read this marvelous sermon now by clicking here: God's Strange Calling


You can read this also in the Notable Sermons Library section of The Highway here: God's Strange Calling


For later reading, visit the The Highway website and click on the "Sermon of the Month" logo.

In his service and grace,

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simul iustus et peccator

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