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#59114 Wed Oct 02, 2024 12:25 AM
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In a society that supposedly values the right to have free speech. Such as the USA and Canada, should that also include things like pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests?

This has been causing a lot of tension and fear in the Jewish communities.


Tom #59115 Wed Oct 02, 2024 6:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Tom
In a society that supposedly values the right to have free speech. Such as the USA and Canada, should that also include things like pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests?

This has been causing a lot of tension and fear in the Jewish communities.

Yes, the First Amendment protects such speech. HOWEVER, I'm not sure that threats to people's lives or inciting people to do damage to property, etc. is allowed. I also strongly believe that the Supreme Court of the United States erred seriously when it ruled that burning the American Flag was protected under the "Free Speech" clause of the First Amendment no less than they erred in the Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) case. Of course, that was eventually overturned. It was 100% bogus, fabricated, and had absolutely no merit on its face and the Court recently admitted that there is nothing in the Constitution that was even remotely salient to the issue. What the Constitution DOES state as does the Declaration of Independence that ALL are guaranteed the "right to LIFE, LIBERTY, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS". But back to your question, if you threaten someone with bodily harm, you can be arrested in this country. The fact that no one is enforcing that law and those akin to it is a testament to the depravity and bias of those who are responsible for enforcing such laws. It is also illegal to block traffic or normal travel in any manner during a protest. But again, that isn't being enforced in many of these pro-Hamas/anti-Israel protests/riots. We are currently living in a time when laws are being ignored or wrongly applied with little accountability. Of course, God's law(s) are totally ignored by the masses too but there WILL BE accountability for every lawbreaker. Justice will ultimately be administered and punishment applied. Christians are likewise incontrovertibly guilty and have been judged already and punished in Christ. As humans we must fight for justice on earth but also accept the fact that it is not always going to happen.

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Tom #59116 Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:09 AM
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I would say they have the right to protest, but what is going above protesting? The right to protest does not interfere with the rights of others.

John Chaney

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John_C #59117 Wed Oct 02, 2024 10:34 AM
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Having served in the military in Vietnam then for another 24 years then burning of the flag issue has always been a issue with me From having rage at the people doing the burning then later in life trying to accept the people having the right to do it trying to see both sides looking at the flag as a symbol. still to this day my ire gets up when i see it.i Free speech and protesting but not interfering with the rights of others blocking traffic etc i fell is wrong

Tom #59119 Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Tom
In a society that supposedly values the right to have free speech. Such as the USA and Canada, should that also include things like pro-Hamas and anti-Israel protests?

This has been causing a lot of tension and fear in the Jewish communities.


Do you have any links or quotes? Maybe it’s a matter of the need for further transparency and accurate reporting both now and recorded history.

What are these pro-Hamas / anti-Israel protesters claiming? Maybe they should be called out, exposed and discredited. But I want to hear their arguments.

Tom #59120 Wed Oct 02, 2024 8:49 PM
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I think there is an underreported history of the conflict that fuels the flames to this day…

“Can there really be any doubt that the creation of the State of Israel was, at its heart, a colonialist act of dispossession, and has established an “apartheid regime” that systematically discriminates against and subjugates its own citizens? The evidence is overwhelming.

To begin with, at the Paris Peace conference in 1919, the Zionist Commission submitted a map of Palestine marked “grazing land,” empty of all its towns and villages. That was the certification of the myth propagated by the Zionist supporters that “Palestine is a land without people,” and its corollary, “the Jews are a people without a land.”

The colonial powers at the Paris conference — Britain and France — supported the big lie that Palestine was empty, although both had conducted extensive surveys in Palestine, most notably the Survey of Palestine by the Palestine Exploration Fund, and published maps and volumes about 1,200 towns and villages, many of which are 2,000 years old, in whose streets Jesus Christ most likely walked.

Does that reflect a glaring ignorance? No, it did not. It was a Zionist plan to convert Palestine into a land without (its) people. Hence the dispossession of Palestine carried out in 1948, in which 560 towns and villages were depopulated and largely destroyed. This major crime has continued to this day.

Racism and apartheid are intrinsic to the Zionist doctrine. Without the forcible expulsion of Palestinians, Israel could not have existed as it is today. There is not a single acre of land acquired by Israel in 1948 that was gained without recourse to military force.

Prior to the Paris conference, the inaugural Zionist conference in 1897 in Basel developed a plan, the Basel Program, to achieve a Jewish state by declaring that all Jews belonged to a nation of people and that this “nation” had rights to a country and that it would be in Palestine. Very much in accord with the ethos of late-nineteenth century Europe, Zionism was a colonialist, political movement that used a biblical religious frame to encourage more European Jews to emigrate.

By the end of the nineteenth century, neither antisemitism in Europe nor religious sentiment had led to large numbers of Jews emigrating to Palestine. At the time of the Basel Congress, some 95 percent of the population were Arab Palestinians who owned 99 percent of the land.

Zionism was a secular, nationalistic movement; many of its key advocates were atheists. These are the people who came up with the first detailed plan to colonise Palestine by expelling the indigenous Palestinian population and by delegitimating and marginalising them in their own country. The creation of the State of Israel and the expulsion of most of the Palestinian indigenous population in 1948 — the Nakba — represented the acceleration of the “slow motion” dispossession which was a feature of this Jewish Euro-colonial history.

Arthur Balfour, the author of the infamous Balfour Declaration, refused entry of European Jews to England after Russian pogroms at the beginning of the twentieth century. He, along with David Lloyd George, drafted a scheme in 1903, suggested by Theodor Herzl, to create a colony for European Jews in East Africa. This refusal of entry of Jews to England, while supporting their plan to colonise another country, Palestine, implied, in the spirit of the colonial era, that these colonial powers wanted to get rid of their European Jewish citizens and create for themselves an enclave state to split the Arab World and serve their interests.

Little wonder, then, that from the outset Zionism enjoyed little support from key Jewish figures. This form of extreme Jewish nationalism was criticised both by Western liberals and by most of the preeminent Orthodox and ultra-Orthodox rabbis in Russia and Eastern Europe. The Russian communists opposed Zionism and leading Marxist theorists saw it as complicit in the rise of antisemitism.

The racist and discriminatory actions of the Zionist organisations in Palestine prior to the Arab Uprising of 1929 were documented in the Shaw and Hope Simpson Commissions. Zionist propaganda sought to allay the fears of Palestinians by declaring — for example, during the 1931 Zionist Congress — that the desire of the Jewish people was to live with the Arab people and develop a common and prosperous community, while every legal document binding every settler in a Zionist colony was “not compatible with the sentiments publicly expressed.”

After the brutal destruction of the Palestinian society by the British Army during the Arab Revolt (1936–1939), the Zionists, at the Biltmore Conference of 1942, declared their aim of creating a “Jewish Commonwealth” in Palestine and initiated the intelligence project known as the “Village Files” in order to document every Palestinian village in preparation for the mass expulsion which took place in the Nakba of 1948.”

This is also an interesting read…

Last edited by Anthony C.; Wed Oct 02, 2024 9:25 PM.
Anthony C. #59122 Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:34 PM
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Anthony, I could post a link to the particular news program I saw the video on. However, some of it is laced with profanity. So I am reluctant to do so.
One example of these anti-Israel protestors, was throwing a profanity laced tirade to nearby Jews. Police were actually between him and Jews in case violence broke out. At first it looked like the protester was speaking directly to two police officers.
However, I am not sure. His profanity lace tirade included things like Hitler should have taken you all from the face of the earth.
Another protester screamed through a megaphone, “How does it feel, to be the most hated people on earth?”

This all took place in a highly populated Jewish community, in Toronto Canada.

There is a very popular Muslim saying. “From the river to the see!”
Which basically is referring to them wanting to wipe all Jews off the face of the earth.

In another recent thread of this nature. Pilgrim provided a link to a very informative video.
I believe it was called ‘Why Fear’ or something like that.
It had to do with the history of Islam and why the truth about them is often ignored.

I highly recommend you watch it, if you haven’t already done so.

In related news, with news of Israel’s strike in Lebanon, that killed the Hezbollah leader. Not all Muslims are mad about this; in fact many took to the streets thanking Israel, because Hezbollah mistreat them.


Last edited by Tom; Wed Oct 02, 2024 11:53 PM.
Tom #59123 Thu Oct 03, 2024 3:32 PM
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I take a more big picture view of these things. I believe you are thinking too small. If the elite bankers are in financial control of global affairs (including how the media reports them - including rebel news - they play both side) - which I believe they are. And they are a type of global shadow government working behind the scenes controlling your leader, ours, France, UK, Aussies, etc…

And remember most US presidents were Freemasons, skull & bones and/or other secret society affiliated, than consider this…

Last edited by Anthony C.; Thu Oct 03, 2024 8:21 PM.
Tom #59124 Thu Oct 03, 2024 6:42 PM
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You might think I am not thinking big enough; however I am not.
I am not under any illusion that Israel is completely innocent since 1948.

Whether it was right or not for Israel to have become a nation again in 1948 is debatable.
If the stats I read are correct, (from memory) Israel is made up of almost 70% secular Jews, 20% Rabbinical Jews and the rest Messianic Jews, Christians and Liberal Jews.
What is interesting about this, is much like Canada and the USA, Woke is sweeping through their culture. You probably know this already. But Woke is basically a nickname for those who embrace CRT. A theory that traces its roots to disciples of Karl Marx, Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfort School. Who championed CT (Critical Theory) in order to change culture. We are seeing that played out in our day and age.
I suspect that it is being funded by billionaires such as George Soros, and other globalists.

Concerning Rabbinical Judaism, they follow the Talmud and the Talmud says some rather heretical things about Jesus.

As for the modern warfare that is happening between Israel, Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah. The Muslim radicals are the aggressors and it would seem like Israel is between a rock and a hard place.
When they defend themselves, and end up killing regular citizens. World opinion seems to turn on them and towards the radical terrorists.
The very terrorists whose whole ideology is to wipe out every Jew from the face of the earth. (“From the river to the sea”)
Iran, and many Muslim nations consider America to be “the Great Satan” and Israel to be “Little Satan”.

There was a really good reason, I previously recommended the video Pilgrim provided. Again, if you have not already done so, I recommend you watch it.

Concerning Rebel News; I have done a fair amount of research on them. Unlike many other News agencies, they are not government funded and are dependant on donations from those who like their style of News.

Trudeau and the left absolutely hate them. They are considered wacko by other news outlets as well as the left.
I do not always like their tactics of how they get their news. Yet, for the most part I believe they report the facts more than most news agencies. Sometimes at a huge cost.
Their reporters have been beaten by police, Antifa and are regularly degraded by the left.
Not too unlike, how Woke think of Christians who try to speak out against Woke.

By the way, we win in the end. 😀

Last edited by Tom; Thu Oct 03, 2024 7:02 PM.
Tom #59125 Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:49 PM
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Tom, I would agree about Rebel News. They try to report what they see and hear from reliable sources regardless of the opposition to them. They are, like them or not, what journalists USED TO BE which was mainly to hold governments responsible for their actions and hold their feet to the fire when they don't. There are very few such news outlets left across the globe. And when/if you find them, they like Rebel News are excoriated, ridiculed, ostracized and even crushed by the powers that be. They are certainly nothing like those who spread radical conspiracy theories which are baseless and are proven to be so over time.

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Pilgrim #59126 Thu Oct 03, 2024 10:23 PM
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Thank you, I am glad you have noticed the same things I did about Rebel News.
Let’s pray that they have strength and courage to withstand what is being thrown at them.

I may have said this before, but recently when Rebel News went to renew their licence. They were denied; which is exactly what Trudeau has been trying to do with them for years.
I don’t know what this means for them moving forward.


Last edited by Tom; Thu Oct 03, 2024 10:31 PM.
Tom #59127 Fri Oct 04, 2024 6:11 AM
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Newsmax is similar to Rebel News. They were in danger of being swallowed up by Soros or some other globalist socio-communist group and decided to go public to prevent what has happened to so many news outlets; cable, newspaper and magazine sources. They are hoping to have this move finalized later this year or early next year. We find that hosts like Carl Higby, Chris Salcedo, Rob Smidtt, Gregg Kelly, Michael Crimm and a few others are very reliable and straight forward in their broadcasts. Carl Higbie lives in the "constipation" state of Connecticut and is a former Navy Seal who was in many combat situations throughout the middle east and served as a representative. He and the others regularly expose the corruption and fecklessness in both parties here... and he doesn't mince words. giggle He has his own hour-long daily show "Frontline" at 5 pm EST. Newsmax also has a regular spot for Canadian News by a Canadian reporter but I don't know who he works for. But he appears to be very fair in his reporting. So, there are a few, albeit very few good news outlets still out there and doing what journalists actually do. BigThumbUp

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Tom #59128 Fri Oct 04, 2024 12:59 PM
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We’re touching on many things, which is good.

The reason I have lost trust, one of many, is that if the GOP stayed united against the media bias and liberal spin, I would consider them legitimate, but they play along.

Also, Saudis are our allies, and there are plenty of extremists that are cultivated there. Do they serve some elite purpose? I think so.

Then we have the dancing Israelis…

Some interesting post- 9-11 quotes (not to take us off topic)…
I worked for a company, and one of our customers was in the WTC. I was working for them on site on various occasions, a year or so before 9/11. The WTC at that time was undergoing some heavy...maintenance. They had contractors working all over the building with open access. They could have brought anything in with them, and they did, I saw this.

While I was at security signing in, and they had checked my bag and emptied my pockets, these general contractors (who by the way didn't look like any general contractors I had ever seen before, they were sharp, clean cut, I worked in Bell Atlantic, Goldman Sachs, Pfizer, JP Morgan, never saw guys working at the most upscale places that looked like these guys) just walked right in, flashed a badge and in. The employees who worked there couldn't even do this.

I had to be escorted by the company I was seeing everywhere I was in the building. They themselves only had access to their own floor and no where else. These contractors literally had 24/7 access to everywhere. I mean everywhere. The guys who were escorting me told me this. If you see them around, they're just doing maintenance, checking the building out, they can go anywhere at anytime.

I was being escorted in a hallway, and my escort left me outside while he went to get something quickly, and one of these contractors was right there on a ladder, working up into the ceiling. I leaned over and looked up to see what he was doing, he was working directly on the steel joints of the building. As I leaned, he got upset, and immediately gave me a look and came down the ladder.

So do I think that over a period of a few years, that some general contractors smuggled in explosives and planted them all over the WTC? I don't know. Is it possible? yes it is.

In addition, I would like to point out, that it is bothersome that I never, ever heard anyone, a former employee, and investigator, anyone, even mention that this was going on in the WTC for a few years running before 9/11. As far as I know, I am the only person who has witnessed this and speaks of it publicly.
In or around 2003, I watched watching all the 911 documentaries I could find. In one of them -- can't recall the name, but worth trackingq down -- a British guy who worked in one of the WTC buildings spoke of exactly this: contractors coming and going at all hours, all over the building. This British guy worked below a floor that was known to be an empty maintenance floor -- a place where equipment for maintaining the building was kept so it wouldn't always have to be lugged up from the basement. This guy worked very late on a few occasions and heard what sounded like dumpsters being moved around above him. It was a very compelling interview and your observations really reminded me of it.

Interview - Scott Forbes:
"...Let me put it this way, I am British working in US on 9/11. I was contacted by Police from London to interview me..., but none of my American colleagues were contacted by police or FBI or any agency. Kind of weird."

Pre-9/11 World Trade Center Power-Down
“I was convinced immediately that something was happening related to the weekend work.” Scott Forbes

Last edited by Anthony C.; Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:22 PM.
Tom #59129 Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:26 PM
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Interesting quote from the recent past (I came across on Reddit):

Sri Lanka curbs Saudi influence to end wahhabism. In America, I've only seen Bernie sanders and Tulsi Gabbard bring this issue up. Wahhabism and zionism need to be bigger issues in 2020.
With Saudi spreading terrorism and being coddled by Trump, we need someone to stand up against this. Saudi needs democracy and we should pursue that. For far too long we've let it slide. Mueller and Bush covered for them on 9/11 and Obama trump have bowed to that. We also need to confront zionism that's the same theocratic terrorism and racism.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:28 PM.
Anthony C. #59130 Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:04 PM
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Albert Pike (who was in favor / scheming on behalf of one world government): "We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social-cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute-atheism..the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal-manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

I think we should remain sober and not too caught up in political & cultural sides since we don’t control the flow of information or the true pursuits of those seeking to wage war.

Last edited by Anthony C.; Fri Oct 04, 2024 2:23 PM.
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