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#980 Sun Jul 21, 2002 6:13 PM
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Just wondering what everyone's favorite sayings/quotes are. <br><br>For instance, my two favorites is the one at the bottom of this message by agustine and the one by Thomas Manton "First we practice sin, then defend it, then boast of it."<br><br>Carlos

"Let all that mind...the peace and comfort of their own souls, wholly apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ, and him crucified"(Flavel)
carlos #981 Sun Jul 21, 2002 7:17 PM
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Here are a couple of mine:

From : Here I Stand

"I ask you, Martin - answer candidly and without horns- do you or do you not repudiate your books and the errors which they contain?" Archbishop of Trier, John Eck Luther replied, "Since then Your Majesty and your lordships desire a simple reply, I will answer without horns and without teeth. Unless I am convicted by Scripture and plain reason- I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other- my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other." God help me. Amen."

Martin Luther
Diet of Worms


Three Aims of Our Salvation

"When Scripture speaks to us of our salvation it proposes to us three aims. One is that we recognize the inestimable love God has shown toward us, so that He may be glorified by us as He deserves. Another, that we hold our sin in such detestation as is proper, and that we be sufficiently ashamed to humble ourselves before the majesty of our God. The third, that we value our salvation in such a manner that it makes us forsake the world and all that pertains to this frail life, and that we be overjoyed with that inheritance which has been acquired for us at such a price."

John Calvin 1509-1564


Counterfeit Religion

" It is by the mixture of counterfeit religion with true, not discerned and distinguished, that the devil has had his greatest advantage against the cause and kingdom of Christ all along hitherto. It is by this means, principally, that he has prevailed against all revivings of religion that ever have been since the first founding of the Christian church"

Jonathan Edwards
"The Religious Affections"


Little and Secret Sins

"Say not that the sin is little, for many a man has died of a little wound; and we all know that the small end of the wedge makes way for the greater. Nor say that it is secret; a man may die of a secret stab as well as of an open wound."

Obadiah Sedgwick (1600-1658)
"Christ's Counsel To His Languishing Church

A quote of Bernard is commonly known: 'Some desire to know merely for the sake of knowing, and that is shameful curiosity. Some desire to know that they may sell their knowledge , and that too is shameful. Some desire to know for reputation's sake, and that is shameful vanity. But there are some who desire to know that they may edify others, and that is praiseworthy; and there are some who desire to know that they themselves may be edified and that is wise.'

The Reformed Pastor
Richard Baxter


To know that nothing hurts the godly, is a matter of comfort; but to be assured that all things which fall out shall co-operate for their good, that their crosses shall be turned into blessings, that showers of affliction water the withering root of their grace and make it flourish more; this may fill their hearts with joy till they run over.

Thomas Watson

God sweetens outward pain with inward peace.

Thomas Watson


The winter prepares the earth for the spring, so do afflictions sanctified prepare the soul for glory.

Richard Sibbes


As the wicked are hurt by the best things, so the godly are bettered by the worst.

William Jenkyn


The secret formula of the saints: When I am in the cellar of affliction, I look for the Lord's choicest wines.

Samuel Rutherford


[Afflictions] are light when compared with what we really deserve. They are light when compared with the sufferings of the Lord Jesus. But perhaps their real lightness is best seen by comparing them with the weight of glory which is awaiting us.

Arthur W. Pink


No wise man can expect that.... God should diet us with a continual feast. It would neither suit with our health, nor the condition of this pilgrimage. Live, therefore, on your peace of conscience as your ordinary diet; when this is wanting, know that God appointeth you a fast for your health; and when you have a feast of high joys, feed on it and be thankful! But when they are taken from you, gape not after them as the disciples did after Christ at His ascension; but return thankfully to your ordinary diet of peace.

Richard Baxter


Chastisement is designed for our good, to promote our highest interests. Look beyond the rod to the All-wise hand that wields it!

Arthur W. Pink


My brethren, let me say, be like Christ at all times. Imitate him in "public." Most of us live in some sort of public capacity—many of us are called to work before our fellow-men every day. We are watched; our words are caught; our lives are examined—taken to pieces. The eagle-eyed, argus-eyed world observes everything we do, and sharp critics are upon us. Let us live the life of Christ in public. Let us take care that we exhibit our Master, and not ourselves--so that we can say, "It is no longer I that live, but Christ that lives in me."

Charles Spurgeon


We spend our years with sighing; it is a valleyof tears; but death is the funeral of all our sorrows.

Thomas Watson

Let thy hope of heaven master thy fear of death. Why shouldst thou be afraid to die, who hopest to live by dying!

William Gurnall


Though Christians be not kept altogether from falling, yet they are kept from falling altogether.

William Secker


Eternity to the godly is a day that has no sunset; eternity to the wicked is a night that has no sunrise.

Thomas Watson

Where reason cannot wade there faith may swim.

Thomas Watson


We fear men so much, because we fear God so little. One fear cures another. When man's terror scares you, turn your thoughts to the wrath of God.

William Gurnall


Grace and glory differ very little; the one is the seed, the other is the flower; grace is glory militant, glory is grace triumphant.

Thomas Brooks


As rivers, the nearer they come to the ocean whither they tend, the more they increase their waters, and speed their streams; so will grace flow more fully and freely in its near approaches to the ocean of glory.

John Owen


Christ will be master of the heart, and sin must be mortified. If your life is unholy, then your heart is unchanged, and you are an unsaved person. The Savior will sanctify His people, renew them, give them a hatred of sin, and a love of holiness. The grace that does not make a man better than others is a worthless counterfeit. Christ saves His people, not IN their sins, but FROM their sins. Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.

Charles Spurgeon


Prayer is not appointed for the furnishing of God with the knowledge of what we need, but it is designed as a confession to Him of our sense of the need. In this, as in everything, God's thoughts are not as ours. God requires that His gifts should be sought for. He designs to be honoured by our asking, just as He is to be thanked by us after He has bestowed His blessing.

Arthur W. Pink


Watch constantly against those things which are thought to be no temptations. The most poisonous serpents are found where the sweetest flowers grow. Cleopatra was poisoned by an asp that was brought to her in a basket of fair flowers. Sharp-edged tools, long handled, wound at last.

Charles Spurgeon

Reformed and Always Reforming,
carlos #982 Sun Jul 21, 2002 7:59 PM
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Carlos,<br><br>[color:blue]"God is most gloriifed in us when we are most satisfied in Him"</font color=blue> Jonathan Edwards<br><br>[color:blue]"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people."</font color=blue> - ILN, 7/16/10 <br><br>[color:blue]"If there were no God, there would be no atheists."</font color=blue> - Where All Roads Lead, 1922 <br><br>Wes [Linked Image]

When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, my richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride. - Isaac Watts
carlos #983 Sun Jul 21, 2002 9:48 PM
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Here are some of my favorite quotes:
    [*]"Should the Lord Jesus appear now to any of us in His majesty and glory, it would not be to our edification nor consolation. For we are not meet nor able, by the power of any light or grace that we have received, or can receive, to bear the immediate appearance and representation of them. His beloved apostle John had leaned on His bosom probably many a time in his life, in the intimate familiarities of love; but when He afterward appeared to him in His glory, "he fell at his feet as dead" (Rev. 1:17). And when He appeared to Paul, all the account he could give thereof was "that he saw a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun"; where-upon he and all that were with him 'fell to the ground' (Acts 26:13,14)." — John Owen The Glory of Christ p. 174

    [*]"All God's people, sooner or later, are brought to this point — to see that God has a 'people,' 'a peculiar people,' a people separate from the world, a people whom He has 'formed for Himself, that they should show forth His praise.' Election sooner or later, is riveted in the hearts of God's people. And a man, that lives and dies against this blessed doctrine, lives and dies in his sins; and if he dies in that enmity, he will be damned in that enmity." — J. C. Philpot

    [*]"I am not permitted to let my love be so merciful as to tolerate and endure false doctrine. When faith and doctrine are concerned and endangered, neither love nor patience are in order.... when these are concerned, neither toleration nor mercy are in order, but only anger, dispute, and destruction -- to be sure, only with the Word of God as our weapon." — Martin Luther

    [*]Love: "And at the end of the world, when the church of Christ shall be settled in its last, and most complete, and its eternal state, and all common gifts, such as convictions and illuminations, and all miraculous gifts, shall be eternally at an end, yet then divine love shall not fail, but shall be brought to its most glorious perfection in every individual member of the ransomed church above. Then, in every heart, that love which now seems as but a spark, shall be kindled to a bright and glowing flame, and every ransomed soul shall be as it were in a blaze of divine and holy love, and shall remain and grow in this glorious perfection and blessedness through all eternity! " — Jonathan Edwards, Charity and Its Fruits

    [*]"If you find yourself loving any pleasure better than your prayers, any book better than the Bible, any house better than the house of God, any table better than the Lord's table, any person better than Christ, any indulgence better than the hope of heaven - take alarm!" — Thomas Guthrie

    [*]"The greatest gift the Church can give our society is a glimpse, however fleeting, of another city. But we can only do that if our worship is self-consciously, confidently, and unmistakably oriented to God. If someone wanders off the street as we pray, he should sense that there is a double Church, as Origen put it: the one that is seen and the other that is unseen. Indeed, if the visitor does not feel uncomfortable, out of place, and out of step, something is terribly wrong. The visitor should experience a little vertigo, because something is going on that is beyond his ken. Yet one would hope, as he listens to our faint voices and feeble songs, that he would also hear, if only as an echo in the distance, the thunderous sound of the heavenly host singing, 'Holy, Holy, Holy'." — Robert Louis Wilken (from an article titled "Angels and Archangels: The Worship of Heaven and Earth," and published in Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal

    [*]"All men become like the objects of their worship. Our inward character is being silently moulded by our view of God and our conception of him. Christian character is the fruit of Christian worship; pagan character the fruit of pagan religion; semi-Christian character the fruit of a half-true understanding of God. The principle holds good for us all: we become like what we worship ­ for worse or for better. 'They that make them are like unto them' (Psa. 115:8)." — Maurice Roberts Banner of Truth[/LIST]

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simul iustus et peccator

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carlos #984 Mon Jul 22, 2002 4:46 PM
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Mercy: Hark, don't you hear a noise?

Christiana: Yes, 'tis, as I believe a noise of music, for joy that we are here.

Mercy: Wonderful! Music in the house; music in the heart; and music also in heaven--for joy that we are here.

John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress

Let us wonder: grace and justice join, and point to mercy's store;
When through grace, in Christ our trust is, justice smiles and asks no more:
He who washed us with His blood, has secured our way to God!

John Newton, Let Us Love, And Sing, And Wonder

In Christ,
Paul S
carlos #985 Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:25 PM
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Carlos,<br><br>I like Henry Scougal's thought:<br><br>The worth and excellency of a soul is to be measured by the object of its love.<br><br>And from Scripture, I like this from Psalm 103, from Coverdale's translation:<br><br>Praise the LORD, O my soul; * and all that is within me, praise his holy Name.<br>Praise the LORD, O my soul, * and forget not all his benefits:<br>Who forgiveth all thy sin, * and healeth all thine infirmities;<br>Who saveth thy life from destruction, * and crowneth thee with mercy and loving-kindness.<br>O praise the LORD, ye angels of his, ye that excel in strength; * ye that fulfil his commandment, and hearken unto the voice of his word.<br>O praise the LORD, all ye his hosts; * ye servants of his that do his pleasure.<br>O speak good of the LORD, all ye works of his, in all places of his dominion: * praise thou the LORD, O my soul.<br><br>Great topic! May God bless--<br><br>Theo<br><br>

Theo #986 Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:32 PM
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Theo,<br><br>I like that Quote by Scougal too. I almost forgot about it. John piper quoted him in the Pleasures of God. Indeed it is a great quote. Great psalm too. I myself, I like psalm 119 :<br><br>33 Teach me, O Lord , to follow your decrees; <br>then I will keep them to the end. <br>34 Give me understanding, and I will keep your law <br>and obey it with all my heart. <br>35 Direct me in the path of your commands, <br>for there I find delight. <br>36 Turn my heart toward your statutes <br>and not toward selfish gain. <br>37 Turn my eyes away from worthless things; <br>preserve my life according to your word. [2] <br>38 Fulfill your promise to your servant, <br>so that you may be feared. <br>39 Take away the disgrace I dread, <br>for your laws are good. <br>40 How I long for your precepts! <br>Preserve my life in your righteousness. <br><br>. <br><br><br>Carlos<br>

Last edited by carlos; Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:34 PM.

"Let all that mind...the peace and comfort of their own souls, wholly apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ, and him crucified"(Flavel)
Pilgrim #987 Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:44 PM
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Pilgrim,<br><br>Those are some excellent quotes, especially the ones by J. Edwards, Guthrie, and I liked Maurice Roberts' the best. I think I am going to print that one out and put in on my wall in my room, so i can ponder on it.<br><br>thanks,<br>Carlos<br><br>

"Let all that mind...the peace and comfort of their own souls, wholly apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ, and him crucified"(Flavel)
Wes #988 Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:47 PM
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Wes,<br><br>Amen to that quote from Edwards. I think Piper's book "desiring God" was based on that saying. As you can probably tell, I love to read edwards and piper.<br><br>Carlos

"Let all that mind...the peace and comfort of their own souls, wholly apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ, and him crucified"(Flavel)
J_Edwards #989 Mon Jul 22, 2002 7:55 PM
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I liked the quotes from Spurgeon. God blessed him with such a great ability to use words. My favorite Spurgeon sayings are:

I have my own private opinion that there is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified, unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism. It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else. I do not believe we can preach the gospel, if we do not preach justification by faith, without works; nor unless we preach the sovereignty of God in His dispensation of grace; nor unless we exalt the electing, unchangeable, eternal, immutable, conquering love of Jehovah; nor do I think we can preach the gospel, unless we base it upon the special and particular redemption of His elect and chosen people which Christ wrought out upon the cross; nor can I comprehend a gospel which lets saints fall away after they are called, and suffers the children of God to be burned in the fires of damnation after having once believed in Jesus. Such a gospel I abhor.

There is no soul living who holds more firmly to the doctrines of grace than I do, and if any man asks me whether I am ashamed to be called a Calvinist, I answer I wish to be called nothing but a Christian; but if you ask me, do I hold the doctrinal views which were held by John Calvin, I reply, I do in the main hold them, and rejoice to avow it ( C. Spurgeon).


"Let all that mind...the peace and comfort of their own souls, wholly apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ, and him crucified"(Flavel)
carlos #990 Mon Jul 22, 2002 8:32 PM
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Carlos,<br><br>Jonathan Edwards has been a great influence on many people including John Piper. In Piper's book "God's Passion for His Glory" he writes about living the vision of Jonathan Edwards. Piper says "the longer I live, the more clearly I see my dependence on those who have gone before. The more I know what others have thought, the less original my thinking appears. I am content to have it so. For, at least in the realm of truth, the ancient Preacher does not overstate the case when he says, 'There is nothing new under the sun' (Ecclesiates 1:9)." <br><br>This book also includes Edwards great work, "The End For Which God Created The World." God's ultimate end is the manifestation of His glory in the highest happiness of his creatures. I think Piper captures this vision from Edwards also in his outstanding book "The Pleasure's of God." Which is one of my favorite books.<br><br>Piper also wrote a book called "The Legacy of Sovereign Joy." This book is a testamony to God's grace in the lives of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin. This book also demonstrates how much Piper was influenced by those who have gone before. He writes, "Sovereign joy was Augustine's song of grace, and it was unprecedented. His discovery of satisfaction in God alone delivered him from a lifetime of bondage to lust and pride - and offers us the same kind of freedom."<br><br>He writes, "Sacred study and the supremacy of the Word of God was Luther's cry. Through him we come to see the outpouring of joy that flows from the Scriptures - and from knowing their Author."<br><br>Last but not least he writes, "The majesty of the Gospel so captivated Calvin that he bequeathed to us a legacy of God-entranced preaching that has resonated throughout 500 years of Christian history. Likewise, he opens our eyes to the pure delight of declaring, receiving, and acting upon the Word."<br><br>Their lives have inspired every generation of believers and should compel us to a greater passion for God.<br><br>Wes

When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died, my richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride. - Isaac Watts
Wes #991 Mon Jul 22, 2002 8:43 PM
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Wes,<br><br>I definitely agree with you assesment of Edwards' influence on Piper. Thus far I have read Piper's "Desiring God", "The Pleasures of God", and "The justification of God". I can definitely see Edwards walking through his writings. I've been meaning to read edward's "The end for which God created the world". Everyone that has mentioned, really likes it. I haven't had time. Been reading John Frame's work on Open-Theism.<br><br>Praise God for those who have become before Us. <br><br>Carlos

"Let all that mind...the peace and comfort of their own souls, wholly apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ, and him crucified"(Flavel)
Paul_S #992 Tue Jul 23, 2002 1:24 AM
The quotes Paul posted reminded me of a couple that I really like.<br><br>Christian: Here is a poor burdened Sinner. I come from the City of Destruction, but am going to Mount Zion, that I may be delivered from the Wrath to come; I would therefore, Sir, since I am informed that by this Gate is the Way thither, know if you are willing to let me in?<br><br>Goodwill: I am willing with all my heart, said he; and with that he opened the Gate. <br><br>John Bunyan, The Pilgrim's Progress <br>_____________________________________________<br><br><br>I also love the hymn Paul quoted from, and here is another great verse of that.<br><br>Let us love and sing and wonder,<br>Let us praise the Savior's Name!<br>He has hushed the law's loud thunder,<br>He has quenched Mount Sinai's flame.<br>He has washed us with His blood,<br>He has brought us nigh to God.<br><br>John Newton, Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder <br>_____________________________________________<br><br><br>Ponder the achievement of God. He doesn't condone our sin, nor does he compromise his standard. He doesn't ignore our rebellion, nor does he relax his demands. Rather than dismiss our sin, he assumes our sin and, incredibly, sentences himself. God's holiness is honored. Our sin is punished...and we are redeemed. God does what we cannot do so we can be what we dare not dream: perfect before God.<br><br>Max Lucado, In the Grip of Grace <br>_____________________________________________<br><br>Where the grace of God is missed, bitterness is born. But where the grace of God is embraced, forgiveness flourishes. The longer we walk in the garden, the more likely we are to smell like flowers. The more we immerse ourselves in grace, the more likely we are to give grace.<br><br>Max Lucado, In the Grip of Grace <br><br>

carlos #993 Tue Jul 23, 2002 5:11 AM
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"Oh, God, be mine the comfort of salvation,but thine be the entire praise of it" Augustus Toplady 1740-1778

Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love and the future to God's providence." - St. Augustine
carlos #994 Tue Jul 23, 2002 3:25 PM
Carlos,<br>Here are a few that I have. <br> <br><blockquote>Thou has made us for thyself O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in thee. <br>Augustine</blockquote> <br><br>This one is like hitting you in the face with cold water! Not very comforting, but very true.<br><blockquote>If any man thinks ill of you, do not be angry with him, for you are worse than he thinks you to be. If he charges you falsely at some point, yet be satisfied, for if he knew you better he might change the accusation and you would be no gainer for the correction. If you have your moral portrait painted and it is ugly, be satisfied, for it only needs a few blacker touches and it would be nearer to the truth. <br>C. H. Spurgeon</blockquote><br><br><blockquote>Long ago I ceased to count heads. Truth is usually in the minority in this evil world. I have faith in the Lord Jesus for myself, a faith burned into me as with a hot iron, I thank God, what I believe I shall believe, even if I believe it alone. <br>C. H. Spurgeon</blockquote><br><br><blockquote>When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.<br>Abraham Kuyper</blockquote><br><br><blockquote>We ask his blessing on what we are doing, but oh how often do we seek him, himself! God, and the Lord Jesus Christ and the presence of the Spirit in our lives, that is true Christianity.<br>Martyn Lloyd-Jones</blockquote><br><br><blockquote>Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, takes off your relish for spiritual things, whatever increases the authority of the body over the mind, that thing is sin to you however innocent it may seem in itself.<br>Suzanna Wesley</blockquote><br><br>Susan<br>

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