Here is a link to the transcript of Maccrthur on LARRY KING LIVE from Last week. He was on with Rabbi Harold Kushner, Father Michael Manning, Dr. Maher Hathout, a scholar of Islam, and another fellow. I had caught the end of on TV, but was able to find it on the web. <br>IT was called "Panel of Spiritual Leaders speak out on Seeking Meaning in the Aftermath of War"<br><br><br><br><br><br>I've been reading half-way through it, but thought to post it just case anyone was interested. So far, i thought it was strange how Father Michael Manning kept denying that Jesus said that nonbelievers would go to hell [img]" alt="ohno" title="ohno[/img]. I loved the fact that John was firm and kept sticking to the word of God.<br><br>In Christ,<br>Carlos

"Let all that mind...the peace and comfort of their own souls, wholly apply themselves to the study of Jesus Christ, and him crucified"(Flavel)