Originally Posted by Tom
I can't really speak about the flag issue, seeing I have no knowledge of that subject.
However, I have no problem with having tax exempt status, provided it doesn't regulate what a Church can and can not teach. The moment, the government starts doing that, is the moment they should give up their tax exempt status.

When a government wishes to regulate religion, it won't be based solely upon taxes, though that indeed may be a part of it. But, even should there be no specific regulation, tax exemption implicitly ties the church and state together, and does influence the church and its membership. I know this is not a popular view; that most all in churches favor exemption status not only for, nor perhaps even primarily for, the sake of the church, but rather for their own tax deductions on what they give.

However, I don't wish to highjack this thread from its original subject.

Pilgrim, thanks for the response. I suppose the display of the flag has more behind it than tax status alone, though I suspect that could be a part of it.


There is no such thing as preaching Christ and Him crucified, unless we preach what nowadays is called Calvinism. It is a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else. - C.H. Spurgeon