brandon said:
i don't think the true mark of spiritual rebirth is that the individual rejects Arminianism... the true mark of spiritual rebirth is that they recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

Well, that's a start - obviously if we don't recognize Jesus is who He said He is then we don't have a chance, and then if it becomes a personal relationship (which is probably what you are getting at) we are definitely talking a true mark!

You may be right that we should not speculate whether Arminians are saved or not but I guess we have to consider if there are ramifications for those who do not accept the whole counsel of GOd - which only God - can reveal, although we may be the means in which an introduction or impression is made (but we can only reap & sow while GOd gives the increase). I'm sure you agree - peace!

The mercy of God is necessary not only when a person repents, but even to lead him to repent, Augustine