
The heart of the gospel is God saves sinners - if you feel and know yourself to be a sinner you can call upon the Lord becasue all those who labor and are heavy laden can call upon the Lord and He will give you rest.

As for election & predestination that is secondary - however, as you grow spiritually you will come to accept these truths (if you hadn't already) as well. I believe to exeperience our total depravity is a true mark that accompanies regeneration while the acceptance of the doctrines of election and predestination may not be very apparent during the initital stages of the new birth but will most probably be made conscious at some point in the life of the true believer!

Last edited by AC.; Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:58 PM.

The mercy of God is necessary not only when a person repents, but even to lead him to repent, Augustine